ever since i was small i have always had some fascination with technology. recently this has extended to old mobile phones, and i am starting a collection, so i thought i might catalogue it here. i love all of these phones very much.
I AM FULLY AWARE THAT THIS ISN'T A "PHONE" however it's what kicked off the hobby so i have to include it. as much as i dislike apple i do have a fascination with the design and just generally everything about the older ones. i loaded some tunes onto it and it's actually really good as an mp3 player, though itunes really annoys me. i think it would have been better to use in its heyday, although to be honest the iphone came out at the same time with the same functionality and more so i guess the only reason to buy this was a cheaper price? i do love it but i think it's mainly useless in this day and age :( i got this for a tenner on ebay with shipping which i was really happy with! it runs ios 3.1.3, was released in 2007, and is like a son to me [photo to be supplied soon]
rating: ★★★☆☆ i love it so much but you can't really do much with it these days, i would jailbreak it except my computer hates apple (based)
this phone used to be my mother's, so i remember it fondly, and recently she gave it to me because she "knows i like that kind of thing" (she is correct). it's nice because it still has photos of me and my sister on it, and a lot of apps that are nostalgic (e.g. candy crush that hasn't been updated since 2016! as well as some kids games me and my sister used to play). the design of this phone is really interesting actually because this specific one has a built-in flip case which is so cool! (the back of the phone is a case; older androids typically had a removeable back for easy access to the sim slot and battery, meaning that theoretically one could get another back for it, but this ones cool. nowadays androids tend to adopt the sim tray that pushes out with a pin, which apple has always used.) maybe i'm a little biased because of nostalgia but i absolutely adore this phone. i love androids for their apk abilities and this is no exception, too. it runs android 5.1.1 and was released in 2014. (fun fact - when i was little this phone got lost at centerparcs, and i managed to reel off the name of the phone to the receptionist which kind of shocked her because i was quite small). i invested a fiver in a battery for this one
rating: ★★★★★ i love it i love it so much
the second one i got! and the last apple one, i promise. this phone is pretty nice. it has a camera unlike the ipod, which is a bonus. the downside is that it's just... not as nice? like, design-wise it has more internals so it's just not as pretty, and in general i overall prefer the feel of the ipod touch. also this one was a bit of a bitch about connecting to itunes but i can understand that because i have a windows computer which generally doesn't like itunes (me too bro). i do like this phone though, i really love the skeuemorphic design, and especially the messages app. i miss the sort of bubbly, shiny effects of this era. i also got this one cheap on ebay, it runs ios 4.2.1, and was released in 2008!
rating: ★★★★☆½ half a star off because i'm not the worlds biggest fan of the physical design and the button isnt nice and clicky, and it was weird about itunes
this one's the oldest phone i have! it's a clamshell, i was doing research on the s5 mini and found a page listing every samsung phone so i had a look and found this and absolutely fell in love with it. i looked it up on ebay and placed a bid, which literally went uncontested for like a week, which was when the bid ended. when it arrived and i was taking it out of the parcel my mum walked into my room and saw it and informed me that she had the exact same phone about twenty years ago. in hindsight i do remember playing with a broken phone that certainly seems very similar to this. i just find it funny that of all the phones i could have picked i had to get the exact same one as my mum! this phone says that it belonged to someone called audrey, and in the contacts was someone called lou, which i don't quite have the heart to get rid of, so audrey and lou if you're reading this i wish you all the best + audrey i love your old phone. honestly this phone is so nice, i've been using it recently a lot because i absolutely adore it & want to "spend time away from my phone" (see also: "an excuse to use a flip phone"). i bought it for the fascination but i genuinely adore it. i have nothing bad to say about this phone
rating: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ nothing compares to this phone i fully adore it
i migrated my sim card over to this phone because i love it very very much, so i asked my mum to message the phone to check that it worked, and she just said "Prat". i put a photo of this on my whatsapp status which led to five people sending me the word "prat", and an all-out rivalry between some of my friends who have never met. the saga will be documented here
[a: "prat <3"]
[c: "prat ,"]
a: get unpratified
c: get REpratified
a: don't listen to '[c]' what a negative geezer :/
c: i am not negative do not listen to 'amy' they are tge negative one .
a: chorlie, f**k off mate <3 [censorship not mine]
i also own some other, less old phones: an ulefone note 7p, my first phone, doesn't work very well but i didn't have the heart to get rid of it; samsung galaxy s10+, i love it, the contract ran out so mum insisted i get a new one but honestly i'd go back to it; iphone 11, apple my behated but i have to admit this works well, my current phone, when this dies i might get an android
i've always had this fascination with "old" things, in every regard. i love learning about the culture of the 20th century and how it evolved, from mannerisms to music to fashion to technology. i've also always loved computers and technology in general, so i guess some of the old phones are for the nostalgia. however i think mainly it's about the intersection of those two interests. i love carrying and using old phones, it frustrates me that i can't always use all of the features as intended because they have been rendered obsolete in one way or another. given the choice i would collect all types of devices from the 1990s-mid 2010s - especially computers with their original OS. unfortunately at the moment budget dictates that i can't do that, and there are more complications associated with that (e.g. storage, i don't actually have enough extension leads, etc). older phones on the other hand are often cheap on ebay (i think the most expensive one here was about £12, and most of that was shipping), they're easy to store, and for smartphones there aren't too many different types of proprietary leads i'd need to get.
also, it's super camp that i could listen to any britney spears song and have a roughly period-accurate phone to go with it.